Allergy Free
Why should folks without allergies have all the fun? How many people don't buy feather boas because of allergies. Happy Boa is the answer to that problem. Feather free means allergy free. SNEEZE FREE, YES! Our boas are hypoallergenic, so if you suffer from feather allergies you can now join in the fun. A feather free boa is a fun and stylish accessory to gowns and costumes. Allergies rank fifth among chronic diseases in the United States. So if you are one of those who stay away from anything with feathers, try a Happy Boa. Be FREE! Feather Free. Mess Free. Sneeze Free.
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"We ordered a "real" boa and ended up with a beautifully colored, complete mess with feathers and sneezing all over the place. So glad you have a featherless product!"
- Stacey, Happy Customer
"Could not wear the feather boa for even five face and neck itched so bad and I broke out into a blotchy rash."
-Jerry, Happy Customer